When you study something, you tend to forget it almost immediately. Unless you do something with it. Blogs get things written down, and so address this problem some. But a Wiki lets you begin to organize the information permanently, update it, expand upon it, and invite others to do so with you. It is a repository.
I expect that wiki's will begin to show further levels of protection and versioning for the work done on them. I expect that some companies, such as socialtext, are thinking about making wikis available to the general public, for example through aquisition by Google. The only reason it hasn't is that, as of this writing, wikipedia has created not a plurality of information, the way blogger did, but a consolidation of information. This means that communities are more likely to fold their research into wikipedia. But Wikipedia is a public repository, and small groups & individuals can't use it for initiatives they prefer (rightly or wrongly) to keep private. So their is still room for "wiki web service providers", like socialtext, and there's a string possibility that wikis are just at the beginning of their web history.
I expect that wiki's will begin to show further levels of protection and versioning for the work done on them. I expect that some companies, such as socialtext, are thinking about making wikis available to the general public, for example through aquisition by Google. The only reason it hasn't is that, as of this writing, wikipedia has created not a plurality of information, the way blogger did, but a consolidation of information. This means that communities are more likely to fold their research into wikipedia. But Wikipedia is a public repository, and small groups & individuals can't use it for initiatives they prefer (rightly or wrongly) to keep private. So their is still room for "wiki web service providers", like socialtext, and there's a string possibility that wikis are just at the beginning of their web history.
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